Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just Curious

Has anyone else heard that there may be a new Outlander book from Diana Gabaldon? I heard or read somewhere that an eighth book may be forthcoming, despite the fact that A Breath of Snow and Ashes was supposed to be the last. I hope it's true, but I'm also scared, in case it's not good. I mean, how much more can there be to say about Claire and Jamie and Briana and Roger at this point?!

I picked up Outlander during my last year of law school. It had been on a list of the 100 Best Books of some year or other that I found online somewhere. At first, I didn't think it would be my thing. I thought it was fantasy and I wasn't really into fantasy. Little did I know, it wasn't really fantasy, but more a historical romance with some time travel thrown in. I fell in love with the series and devoured the next few books within a few months, despite still being in school and having a lot of other things competing for my time. The Fiery Cross, book six, was pretty slow, but I wonder how much of that was the book and how much of it was me taking the Florida Bar. And also, I believe a new Harry Potter came out that summer, so I may have set it aside to re-read that series. Anyway...

Can anyone confirm or deny the rumor of an eighth book in the Outlander series?


Literary Feline said...

I've heard that rumor too, but don't know how true it is. Hopefully someone will have the answer for you!

Lexi said...

Maybe I should just Google it. :)