Well, the hubster gave in shortly after my last post, and I followed him not too long after that. However, I did get some more reading in...I keep holding out hope that some day I will complete the whole thing, but in order to do that, I probably should have started Read-a-Thoning a lot younger. My old bones can no longer stay up so late.
Title of book(s) read since last update: The Valley of Horses; Truly, Madly
Number of books read since you started: one and part of a second
Pages read since last update: 24
Running total of pages read since you started: 474
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 60 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 777 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: Introduction meme; Turn to a Page; E-Reader Survey; Mid-Event Survey
Other participants you’ve visited: Foxears; Courtney at Abducted by Books; Mandy at Adventures in Borkdom; Denise at Flamingo House Happenings; Memory at Stella Matutina; Jenn at Jenn's Bookshelves; Melissa at 1lbr; Christa at Hooked on Books (although I'm not sure she's Read-a-Thoning); Rebecca at Kindle Fever (ditto); Ariel at The Librarian's Bookshelf (not RAT'ing); Christina at Ardent Reader; Brianna at For the Love of Books (not RAT'ing); Lindsey at Sparks' Notes (not RAT'ing); Ronnica at The Ignorant Historian; Amudes at Amused by Books; Jade at Sort of Beautiful; Jen at At Random; Stacy and Anneliese at Book Psmith; Reeder at Reeder Reads; Sheery at Sheery's Place (not RAT'ing); Teresa at Shelf Love; Jessica at Cryptographic Romance; Roxanne Kade; The Brain Lair (not RAT'ing); Tara at Hobbitsies (not RAT'ing); Kyle at A Reader's Pensieve; Kimberly at On the Wings of Books; Capricious Reader; Deb Nance at Readerbuzz; Abigail at The Story Factory Reading Zone; Dusky Literati (not RAT'ing); Kirsten M. at We Be Reading; Lisa at Lit and Life; Kanaye at Kanaye Speaks; Kate at Epic(Chocolate); Hillary at Adventures in Never Never Land; Noumena12; and Olivia at Down the Rabbit Hole
What I've eaten/drunk: cinnamon raisin toast and a Diet Mt. Dew; some Screamin' Dill Pickle Pringles and a bottle of water; some pretzel M&M's stolen from the hubster; potato skins for lunch; some fruit flavored Tootsie Rolls; a Throwback Pepsi; a bowl of beef barley vegetable soup; two gummi bears from the hubby; a bottle of water; some more Screamin' Dill Pickle Pringles; leftover Easter candy; water with lime; turkey, bacon and cheese sub from Alphonso's (SO freakin' good, I've eaten it like three times this week); Diet Mt. Dew; gummi bears; another bottle of water; the rest of the Screamin' Dill Pickle Pringles; and part of another Throwback Pepsi
And now here's the End of Event meme:
1.Which hour was most daunting for you? Hour Whenever I Went to Bed (17?)
2.Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? The Clan of the Cave Bear series is pretty good. I was never impatient to finish book 2, and I read it for almost the whole Read-a-Thon.
3.Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? More random reader and cheerleader prize drawings. It's the Read-a-Thon, not the Mini-Challenge-a-Thon.
4.What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? Pretty much everything, as usual.
5.How many books did you read? One and part of a second.
6.What were the names of the books you read? The Valley of Horses by Jean M. Auel and Truly, Madly by Heather Webber
7.Which book did you enjoy most? The Valley of Horses
8.Which did you enjoy least? By default, Truly, Madly, since I only got about ten pages into it.
9.If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders? N/A
10.How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? Oh, I will absolutely participate again. I LOVE the Read-a-Thon! And I will still be a reader.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event so great. This is always my favorite time of year (for the last eight Read-a-Thons, anyway).