Sunday, April 8, 2012

Review: Chaos Bites by Lori Handeland

I bought this book a year or two ago for my birthday. It's the fourth in the Phoenix Chronicles series by Lori Handeland. I was introduced to this urban fantasy series when I received a review copy of the first book from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. I loved it and was hooked. I was very excited to see this book come out in 2010, because I'd read up to the third installment and was anxious to see what happened to Elizabeth Phoenix and the rest of the crew trying to save the world.

In this episode, Liz is fresh off of killing Sawyer, the skinwalker she loves, in order to save the world from Armageddon. The Nephilim (half-human, half-fallen-angel) are trying to bring about the end times, and Liz had recently become the leader of the light, the forces who are trying to prevent the extinction of the human race. At the beginning of this book, Sawyer is visiting Liz in her dreams. And a baby appears on her doorstep - Sawyer's baby...and who else's? In between learning how to care for an infant and trying to save the world, Liz is also trying to figure out how to bring Sawyer back from the dead.

The book was full of the expected thrills and chills. Plenty of violence, and danger, and sex. And cursing. As I've said before, this series is not for the faint of heart. If you don't like books with a lot of sex and cursing, go elsewhere. As those things don't bother me, I fully enjoyed this latest installment of the adventures of Liz & Co. - as you might be able to tell, since I finished it in an unheard-of two days. No worries, my next book is a chunkster, so it will last me at least through the Read-a-thon. Anyway, I give this one four-and-a-half out of five Whatevers. For those who like urban fantasy, fans of Lori Handeland's other work, or those who need a quick read in between heavier tomes.


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