Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sharon's Very Mini-Library Cat Challenge

SPOILER ALERT -- Answers Below!

1) The library cat that lived closest to me was Dewey (not THAT Dewey...there seems to be a proliferation of library cats named Dewey, heh). Dewey lived at the Martin County Library in Indiantown, FL from 1997 to 2000.

2) Dewey lived in the Spencer Public Library in Spencer, Iowa until his untimely death in November, 2006.

3) Dewey was in a documentary called "Puss in Books."

4) Dewey's full name is Dewey Readmore Books.

1 comment:

Icedream said...

Glad you are enjoying The Invisible Man and glad you are focusing on having fun, otherwise it would just be like cramming for school. :D Keep hanging in there.
Icedream- your slowing becoming incomprehensible cheerleader!