Sunday, July 6, 2008

Enough Already!

So I've now also posted some books I want to get rid of on BookMooch. You can give away the books cluttering your home to people who wish to read them, and you can get NEW books to clutter up your home from others in the community. What a great idea! For just the cost of postage to mail off the little buggers, I can get a whole new set of stuff to read. My problem comes in figuring out what those books are. Right now, I have The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood to read after Jane Eyre is finished, so I've put out a request for the two companion novels, Little Altars Everywhere and Ya-Yas in Bloom. Not sure, though, if I'll really like the first (seems a little schmaltzy for my taste, in general), but I am nothing if not a completist. Well, I'm a little OCD, which MAKES me a completist. So I want to read ALL the books, if I read one. Sigh. A terrible, terrible addiction. Books are my drug of choice.

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