Saturday, December 17, 2011

Review: A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon

The American Revolution is drawing near, and the Fraser/MacKenzie clan of Fraser's Ridge must decide which side they are on. Knowing what they do about the outcome of the war, they lean toward the cause of liberty, but Jamie must also balance his political stance with the use he can make of his Loyalist friends. This book chronicles the few years before the American Revolution starts in earnest (and part of the year 1776). It's pretty standard Jamie-and-Claire-get-into-trouble-and-mysteriously-out-of-it-again fare.

I loved it, as I've loved every book in the series. I purchased my copy of the book (maybe at BJ's?). And, while I've read this one before (and it was the most recently read of them all), I remembered the least about this book. So my re-read was almost like reading it again for the first time! Definitely four and a half out of five Whatevers. Action-packed and absolutely wonderful. One more published volume to read, then I have to get my hands on the new one, Written in My Heart's Own Blood, as soon as it comes out next year. Maybe I should satiate my desire for Gabaldon in the meantime by starting the Lord John series, which I have never read?


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