Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 in Review

I'm going to make it a New Year's Resolution to be a little more organized with my reading this year. I'm not really a challenge reader (I don't like the rigidity of having to read certain books on a deadline AND I haven't really had as much reading time to complete any challenges as I would need). But I would like to try one or two other ongoing challenges, in addition to the Pulitzer Project, this year. I'm hoping to scale down on some of my other activities/obligations, in order to have more time to read. If so, I'd like to join the Man Booker perpetual challenge, as well as maybe the Orange Prize or National Book Award challenges. I guess we'll see. I didn't do too hot with the Pulitzer Project last year, so maybe I should just leave it at that.

I read a total of 18 books in 2008. That's all. I suck. Mostly, I blame book blogs. Yeah, all of you out there, thanks a lot. Actually, I am very glad to have had the chance in 2008 to get to know so many people out in the blogosphere, whether they know ME or not. (I am totally NOT a creeper. Okay, yes I am, a little.)

Anyway, my favorites of the year were easily the Lord of the Rings trilogy (and The Hobbit) and The Prince of Tides. I also really enjoyed my only non-fiction read of the year, Defending the Damned. So, there's my top six. I know most people do a top five, but shoot, I couldn't narrow it down, so Top Six it is!

This year, aside from reading more in general, I'd like to expand my horizons some. I'd like to read more (GOOD) non-fiction, some new genres of fiction (maybe a new mystery series or some YA or something), and perhaps even, GASP, a graphic novel or two, a genre I swore I'd stay away from, but now kind of want to check out. I'd also like to be a bit more organized with respect to how I categorize things on the ol' blog, my rating system, etc. Maybe I'll start doing a month-end wrap-up. The problem with 2008 was, some months there was just nothing to wrap up. But with all the additional reading time I'm going to have this year, that shouldn't be a problem!

So these are my New Year's Reading Resolutions:

1. Read more. Period.
2. Join at least one more perpetual challenge.
3. Read differently: different genres, more non-fiction.
4. Be more organized about reading and this blog.

We'll see how much I can accomplish in 2009!

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