Saturday, March 5, 2016

Review: Downside Girls by Jaine Fenn

This Kindle book was a review copy from Library Thing Early Reviewers.  I'm glad I received it.  I finished this book a month ago, but I've been so busy that I haven't had the time to review it.  It was short, only four short stories that take place in the world Jaine Fenn created for her longer novels.  It's a world in which some folks live on the Topside, where gravity is normal and life is much like it is for us today.  Then, there are the Downsiders, those who live...underneath.  Where, if you fall, you fall into nothingness, so there are nets to catch those who can't hold on.  The two worlds don't often mix, and those on the Topside view Downsiders quite negatively.  Then, there is a third category of people, the Angels.  They impose the will of the people, taking out those in the public eye that have broken the public trust.

These four stories tell of four women who live in this world.  There isn't much to say about plotting.  It is there, and the situations these women find themselves in are interesting, but these are short stories, so plot is only a snippet.  Setting is the main character here, and Fenn does an excellent job drawing one in to this world she has created.  Such a good job, in fact, that I now want to check out one of her regular length novels.

Five out of five Whatevers.  It kept me coming back, took almost no time to read, and has inspired me to look for more from Fenn.
